Happy Spring to You! For those following my social media or have known me personally, you know that I celebrate “March Gladness” as my birthday month, yep all month long. One of my first healers, an African-Medicine woman in Oakland, TAUGHT me to do that as a form of self-care when I was 23 years old….and I’ve been celebrating all month in March ever since!
It has been a practice that has been good for my soul; I encourage you to give it a try! Also, I treat my birthday month as a month to make “birthday wishes.” I make them for me and I make them for others. After all, birthdays are magical...we are like 1000’s of years old in soul-years! There’s magic in us...I firmly believe and know this.
So, for you - my equity-minded friends - I wish for us all to anchor to this edict: “Good Trouble requires Good Rest.” And leading for equity as a lifestyle requires us to walk in COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP - bolder, bigger, better - from a place of aspiration and reverence for your leadership...walking in your leadership purpose.
May you BE COURAGEOUS in all that you choose moving forward. That is my birthday wish for you.
What "NEWNESS" is awaiting us in my offerings...
1. We've got money to share! Special gratitude to RHAlly Rachel Burnett for her generous donation to support scholarships for future allies. RHA provides partial-scholarships. Reach out if you're interested by sharing what RHA course you would like to enroll in and the amount requested. Email Jess at racialhealingallies@gmail.com
2. Racial Healing Allies just finished Cohort 4! Many are moving on to the 11-week Embodied Allyship Course and we’ve got more signing up for our introductory 4-week course! You don’t need to do this work alone - it’s too hard. Spread the word and cultivate more allyship in your community!
AND STAY-TUNED! We (The RHA Trio) are super giddy over this one!
We are announcing an opportunity for YOU to be able to lead others in the RHA approach and work. As long as you have taken the 4-week and are enrolled in the 11 week (or completed it already), you qualify! You will need to be able to lead an in-tact, in-organization small group/team that you are a member of. Stay-tuned for details...
3. DARE TO LEAD - OMG!! I’ve got new dates and experiences coming your way! If you’ve already trained with us - or plan to - then be sure to save April 19 @ 2 - 330 PST for an informational session on how you can lead your own organization through DTL in what Brene is unleashing called “Daring Teams.” To qualify, you’ve had to be (or will be by the end of summer!) DTL Trained. Also, we are hosting a Summer Intensive Training from July 15 - 17 - save the dates and stay tuned! Only 30 seats for this!
But I must rest now...