APRIL 24, 2022
Visioning Meditation puts the spiritual before the physical, which contributes to creating ease and flow in our work and lives.
As we embark into Quarter 2 of 2022, it’s a time to refresh what is “sprouting” from our visioning - and vision - at the new year, early Quarter 1 of 2022.
Wherever you are in your vision, trust the process of Divine Timing, like Nature it cannot be rushed and is always on time, keeping the rhythm of the cycle of readiness in your energy and life.
This Spring, our vision is sprouting, gently revealing itself through the soil. I’m curious to see what parts of your vision are peeking through, aren't you? Where are you feeling resistant to this new growth of your vision? Where are you allowing for the vision to emerge? What parts of your vision need to be fertilized?

This will be the focus of our time together. Our vision, like a garden in Spring, will be tended to. Along with this tending, we will fertilize the vision with greater depth - we will anchor to Mother Nature and vision again. Together, in community, where each flower honors the other’s beauty and uniqueness, our roots gently supported to bloom in a large container of belonging.
You are invited to one of the foundational aspects of Professional Spirituality® - visioning meditation, a powerful process that provides your inner-wisdom as the blue-print for achieving your goals.
I used this practice to co-found a school. I used this practice to write a book. I used this practice to transform a school. I used this practice to dismantle a racist mascot. I used this practice to not crumble in the pandemic. I use this practice consistently...I want to empower you with it.
In this highly experiential workshop, learn the power of vision and the practice of “visioning” to activate your vision from a place of inner-work and inner-preparation of BE-ing that allows and supports deep clarity to ensure that your do-ing is supporting your goals and intentions.
If you’ve ever taken a workshop with me, you know that a key foundation is the “Do vs. BE” paradigm. Your do-ing will not be authentic or sustainable without your clear “BE-ing.” The practice of visioning clears the way for living in alignment and flow. Often effortless, “visioning” embraces the ABC’s of living in “flow” - Allowing, BE-ing, and Creating. When your vision is clear, your decisions and “do” actions become clear and more intentional. A clear vision can allow you to be the leader you aim to be. And, we are all leaders. At our best, we lead and serve from a clear VISION of our BE-ingness.
Join me and your fellow colleagues who “get it.” Be curious, be courageous, be free, just be with us.
SPECIAL NOTE: Gifts and service are my love language, so I always give a gift to support the session’s theme and as extra gratitude for your participation in trusting me to lead you in this way. This is why we ask you for your mailing address.
* Registration is non-refundable
There will be access to the recording for two weeks.
Because we value the power of consciousness, connection, and courage, by attending the live session, all participants agree to have cameras on and participate in break-out rooms.
Supporting your BE-ingness -

Tovi is an innovative visionary, healer, and award-winning educator whose career in education began over 25 years ago. She is also the visionary behind the new movement of Racial Healing Allies™. From her lived experience, Tovi teaches on what the future of successful, resilient leadership will require: emotionally intelligent consciousness, connection, and courage.