BE a Parent Champion™
Leadership Development for Parents... because parents are leaders, too.
eBook | discussion guide | workbook | curriculum
Transformative Leadership Development for Black Families
PARENTS are LEADERS. It’s time we honored this truth and centered-parent leadership development in our schools and organizations in order to have greater success for our children. We will not achieve greater academic outcomes for Black children without the voices and leadership of Black families.
As a Black woman leader who served as a principal for over 17 years, there’s wisdom I offer to families from my own-first-hand experience in navigating an educational terrain to get their children through a system full of shortcomings and disappointments. While the system needs time to heal and transform, we must prepare our Black families with the necessary insights coupled with tools and strategies to ensure that their heart-felt efforts on a 13-year educational journey yield success.
Since desegregation in our schools, the "parent vs. school and school vs. parent" struggle has gone on for decades and has corroded the spirit of unity and collective effort needed for Black children’s success, This has often been done by blaming and shaming. No more. It’s time for a collective mind-set and heart-set of “we, us, & ours.”™
Who is Be A Parent Champion™ for?
Parents of Black children, ages 0 - 18 (first & foremost)
Care-givers of Black children, ages 0 - 18
Schools & organizations that serve Black families and Black children
What is Be A Parent Champion™ about?
Knowing that parents do not have much free time, this guide-book is purposefully succinct. Be A Parent Champion™ is designed to motivate and educate parents to be their very best as school partners. Parents will be inspired to analyze, reflect, and take action in regard to how they co-educate their children by partnering with their child's school with practical strategies and tools. Be A Parent Champion™ allows parents to take action immediately. As parents, you are the best champions for your child's success.In addition, this guide-book is a must-have for parent organizations and schools everywhere to engage their Black parents to be more actively and purposefully involved in schools. Parents and educators must collaborate in the paramount work that is our highest responsibility: achievement for our children. For over 50 years, Black children and other and youth of color have been at a significant disadvantage in our country's educational system with low literacy rates, poor high school graduation rates, and even worse college-going and completion rates. Our schools consistently try to educate our children without significant engagement from parents and that is a misstep. If we are going to change the trajectory of the success in our schools, we must bring parents into the equation more actively and intentionally. Be a Parent Champion™ is a positive shift in the trajectory.
"From a teacher, visionary and school leader for over 30 years comes the courageous truth about effective parent partnering for school success. Tovi Scruggs knows exactly what our students need from school and home to achieve.”
-Glenn E. Singleton, Author, "Courageous Conversations About Race: A Fieldbook For Achieving Equity In Schools" & "More Courageous Conversations About Race"
The Courage to Engage African-American Families
Have you heard that educators don’t care about their students? Have you heard that you are not doing your job? Are parents angry and resentful toward your school and teachers? You are not alone. School’s and school districts all over the country are hearing these same echoing complaints. Perhaps you are being told that your school is biased, not culturally-relevant or that your teachers only take care of the white kids.
How do we choose courage over fear when engaging with African-American families? This session explores our fears in serving families of color, the role of race and white fragility, and the level of willingness in our service to families of color. Particularly African-American families. From this, we will explore some best practices regarding engaging with African-American families and allocating resources of time, technology and courage to engage them fully.​
The change begins with you and each member of your staff, individually and as a whole.
BONUS Article for Educators!
Workshops for Teachers & School Leaders:
Strategies to Engage African-American Parents
Strategies to Increase Academic Engagement for African-American Students that Benefit Your Entire School
An Educator’s Mindset for Educational Parenting
Come, let’s heal. Come, BE with me. Together, you will do the work, and I will
show you how.
Tici'ess, Inc.
4200 Park Blvd, #237 Oakland,
CA 94602
Social: @goddessatwork