As educators, we all want to give our students the best educational experience imaginable - and it starts with creating a Bell-to-Bell Experience™.
Racial and educational trauma continues to be painfully exposed at the systemic level. Educators and students alike deal with chronic traumas. In order for us to move forward together toward a brighter and more inclusive future, it is essential that we ask:
How do we create better conditions now to mitigate the effects of trauma for ourselves and for our students?
How do we welcome our children into healthy, healing learning spaces?
As always, Tici’ess aim to be part of the solution in healing educational trauma. Here’s a gift to use as your go-to guide for becoming an informed and trauma-responsive, healing-centered teacher, along with a short video clip on how to use the tool.
Equip yourself to create an emotionally safe learning environment for students and cultivate real learning.
Learning only happens when our brains are regulated.
Download the Bell-to-Bell Experience™ handout! Please feel free to share these resources with your colleagues so that our schools can have more healing-centered classrooms.
Let's Heal Our Schools & Systems with Conscious, Connected, & Courageous Leaders®.

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to use as your go-to guide for becoming an informed and trauma-responsive, healing-centered teacher.