First - I send loving wishes for all that you desire for 2022. It’s a blessing to be able to see this new year amidst all that we continue to face. Second - my heart is full - both in gratitude and empathy. I'm grateful to be well and I'm empathetic to the struggle of my dear colleagues' boots-on-the-ground in schools every day in this absolute $%#@!! I wish I had a solution or simply the perfect thing to say. These last two weeks, I’ve simply been a listening ear, an open heart, and fellow-deep breather to hold space for a much-needed exhale.

Third - I’ve been healing, transforming, and empowering my own SELf and work - and I’m finding my groove. I will share more when the time is right. For now, I can share that my business is undergoing transformation in powerful ways. The work is growing and your nudges for new programs have not been in vain - I’ve just needed greater capacity to create and unleash some new things (and, we are still in a pandemic…which calls for gentleness as much as possible). Jess was a God-send and exactly what I needed these last two years for where I was - I am thankful to her; Jess has moved on to her passion-career of being a marriage/family therapist. Over my mini-sabbatical, I empowered myself to bring on Heather, a full-time team-member to provide me with what I'm claiming as “exquisite support.” Heather is a brilliant and talented equity-minded leader who I’ve known way back since my San Lorenzo and Partners days. It’s a joy to be working with her on my team again, a familiarity I can trust and nurture to create my “in my wildest dreams (!) programs” I’ve been holding in my spirit that are going to be absolutely magical! It’s going to be off-the-hook, top-notch leadership development, ya’ll!!!
So, there will be some “doses” of it as I on-board Heather, deliver on all of these new contracts and continuing contracts, and create/design more transformational learning spaces. You’ll see one of the new programs below - yay!!!
Saluting a 2022 full of SELf-Transformation for School & Systemic-Transformation - THE MAGIC!

There’s some other goodness coming your way in 2022 that is in development. Until then, please consider these options for your personal and professional growth:

NEW!! The Courage Collective
The Courage Collective will serve as a “Daring Leaders Lab.” It’s a space for leaders who have been Dare to Lead Trained (with me or another facilitator) to be in community each month to continue to walk out their Call-to-Courage AND use the tools for self and in leading others in the Dare to Lead frameworks. There will be space for re-connection to a community-network of leaders who “speak DTL,” re-fresh on the concepts, and re-commit each month to BE-ing courageous leaders in our lives and at work.
AND you know (and if you don't know, well, you ain't been payin’ good attention! lol) I don't “do” spaces without DEIB being firmly positioned on the table! So, DEIB (equity & inclusion work) is honored and welcomed in the support you need, and also will be tended to as it arises. Plus, the space will have room for group-coaching and customized monthly themes based on the requests of the participants.
Be on the look-out for official registration information coming soon! In the meantime, here is the basic information:
Save the Dates
Fridays: March 11 & April 15 & May 13 & June 17 All sessions from 10:00 - 11:30 AM PST
Racial Healing Allies: Embodied Allyship Still Open!
Last Chance to enroll in RHA Embodied Allyship starting January 17 ON PURPOSE for MLK, Jr, Day.

What better way to honor his legacy? Please do not let the “2020 Summer of Allyship” be dormant in you. That time was a wake-up call and invitation to reconnect to our own humanity by first reconnecting to self and your inner-need for racial healing. Allyship is a VERB.
“Standing Tovation”

This month’s “Standing Tovation” goes to . . . (drum-roll please) TUSTIN USD!
I am in awe of the courage, dedication, and support shown by the leadership of Tustin USD. The District-leadership wanted to “give back” and support the administrators system-wide - ALL 60 of them. So, we journeyed together over 3 months to
ensure that leaders were Dare to Lead trained. Not only did that happen, but they reported that “it was therapeutic from
coming out of last year” - “just what my soul needed” - “brought us back together and made us even closer”.

They were able to reconnect through the content and tools of Dare to Lead.
It was an honor to facilitate this journey. Thank you, Tustin USD, I salute you.

Dare to Lead Winter Leadership Intensive
AND! While your district may not yet be on my list for upcoming systemic-wide trainings, YOU can still get the powerful impact of courageous leadership support! There's another opportunity to connect and learn with me & Julie in the Dare to Lead Leadership Intensive Experience January 27-29, 2022! We’ve got a few spots left!
COSEM's 4th Annual Educating Mindfully Conference
As COSEM President, I’m thrilled to share that our fourth annual Educating Mindfully conference is virtual on Feb. 4-6.
COSEM is a nonprofit that works to help educators explore, personally practice, and then create a culture of mindfulness in schools.
COSEM's annual conference offers a series of healing-while-learning sessions. You'll leave recharged, inspired, and full of new mindfulness-based strategies to supercharge learning and create a culture of care in your schools. Learn more here!