Leaders of Equity & Inclusion work, I just have to say this because it’s been on my heart for so long - and after 25+ years in leading or equity, I’ve learned you simply can’t (nor shouldn’t!) carry the “heaviness” of leading DEIB.

It’s not all on you….people want to make you think that (that’s what keeps them comfortable, but I will save THAT lesson for another time!).
Here’s the unspoken truth:
So many organizations and leaders get "the work" wrong because they take it upon themselves to govern everyone's learning for this work, which often results in gate-keeping and avoiding “the work.” That is a colonized-mindset rooted in white dominant culture. The most wise thing is to create autonomy in this work by providing both protected time and the investment for those that are WILLING and have a genuine desire to do this work. It doesn't negate that, yes, you should offer org-wide training, but it does allow for those under your leadership who want to engage deeply to not be dependent on or slowed down by the pace of the organization.

Let the energy of the employees contribute to the DEIB work simply by them engaging and growing at a pace they welcome. It shows that you value DEIB, support your staff, and are engaging in the work at levels that are do-able, allowing you to still focus on your work at hand.
Racial Healing Allies™ has a signature approach, fostering a movement of allies contributing to the global healing needed for all of humanity to prosper in consciousness, connection, and courage. Consider this your invitation to join the movement.
The RHA Trio has served and facilitated teams, groups, Boards, schools, and organizations all over the nation (with some participants outside of the US). Use the momentum of your group to support your leadership in this work!
Professional Organizations Served to Date
• Ancestral Medicine
• Bronxville Schools, NY
• Gabriella Charter Schools
• Milpitas Unified School District
• Napa County of Education
• Oklahoma State U
• Pankow Construction
• Rethink First
• Rincon Valley USD
• Saint Francis High School
• Santa Rosa School for the Arts
• Solano County of Education
• Sound Discipline
• Southwest Human Dev, AZ
• Synchro/Servably MSP, WA
• The Learning Center for the Deaf, MA
• Travis USD
• Valley View USD, IL
Racial Healing is NOT a one-time event or short process. For those deeply committed to their transformation, our 4-week participants told us, “WE WANT MORE - please take us there.” Thus, we designed an 11-week course for those who are deeply serious about racial healing and allyship.